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Members of Over Oxer (OO) are all listed here.

Members-If you want any information listed here removed, tell me!

Boarders are listed in red, stable owners in gray.   If there is a person who both owns a stable and an association, they will be listed in green.  If there is a member who both boards and owns an association, they will be listed in light blue.


1.  Stephanie Miller

Owner of Over Oxer SIM

Owner of Zero Tolerance Warmbloods

Associations:  Dressage, Warmblood


AIM Screen Names:  BloodyIrony89 and Puff Jumper

ICQ Screen Name: CC89


2.  Tara Ball

Owner of Self Destruction Stables


AIM Screen Name: TheeGothBttrfly


3.  Julia Cunningham

Owner of Redd Raven Acres


Associations: Arabian

AIM Screen Name: PrincessKotaDawn

4.  Margie Matley

Owner of Alpine Ridge Stables


AIM Screen Name: QuarterHorse007

5.  Emilie

Note to Emilie-You could own a stable right now.  Go to your member page for details.

AIM Screen Name: Horsewhisper44

6.  Sara Taylor

Boarder At: Zero Tolerance Warmbloods


AIM Screen Name: Giddyup228

7.  Lindsay Hoke

Boarder At: Zero Tolerance Warmbloods


AIM Screen Name: horsecrzygurl128

8.  Caitie Hart

Boarder At: Zero Tolerance Warmbloods


AIM Screen Name: SweetNSowa06

9.  Katie Bartek

Boarder at:  Redd Raven Acres


AIM Screen Name: Ponyluv95

10.  Sesalie Williams

Boarder At: Redd Raven Acres


AIM Screen Name: Living4Jesus

11.  Ashley Park

Boarder At:??


AIM Screen Name: Magoo Jelly Bean

12.  Sara Hammers

Boarder At:


AIM Screen Name: RocBaby3


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